Imagine deciding what goes on television and radio. How would you choose to fill the airwaves? How would you balance the wishes of the audience, the needs of your advertisers and your own personal tastes? In this lesson, students can explore these and other questions as the activities which follow give them the opportunity to program a block of television or radio time. The Broadcast Project is organized into five steps: Step 1: gives students an opportunity to begin to form ideas about what they would broadcast if the choices were theirs to make. (Steps 2 and 3 focus on research.) Step 2: students gather information as to their own viewing and listening habits and those of others. Step 3: students study various aspects of a single program in an effort to learn more about the way in which it attracts an audience and advertisers. Step 4: students create a schedule of programs to fill a block of time with audience and advertisers in mind. Step 5: the class will select criteria for evaluating the program schedules and then evaluate them.