Media ethics are moral standards that apply to the media. Media professionals use media ethics as a compass when discharging their duties. The standards are also used by the media as a device for shielding themselves from attacks directed at them from time to time by members of the public displeased by their work. also the course will introduce students to issues and concepts around the topic of ethical communication in media. students will examine social media and new technologies that influence ethical journalism. Lessons and course materials include evaluation of important ethical conflicts in the media. Course Objectives: identify an ethical dilemma, describe the choices faced by the moral agent, and explain the moral implications of each choice; apply key concepts of truthfulness, fairness, respect, autonomy, integrity, and transparency in resolving a dilemma; evaluate ethical decisions in class forums, drawing on a careful analysis that takes into account levels of fact and historical and social context; and show how new and evolving forms of technology affect ethical considerations.
this codes will help media practitioners to know dos and don'ts in their specialization