computer virus

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  • F
    FARIDA RASHIDI 3 years ago

    A biological virus is a microscopic infectious agent. First viruses are not life forms. They are not ‘alive’ but they possess some.

    Computer Virus is a type of computer program that when executed,replicates itslf by modfying other computer programs and insert its own code.

    Self defense; The biological virus can attack the immune system to protect itself. And computer virus can block antivirus software to protect itself. 

    Invisible Phase; The biological virus replicates inside an organism for a while without symptoms. And computer virus can be programed to cause harm ony after a certain ever.


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  • J
    JACKSON MASSAM 3 years ago


    A computer virus is a said to be a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental infect such as corrupting the system or destroying data and it only deals with electrical devices.

        Biological viruses are submicroscopic infections agents that only dwells inside a living cell of an organism such as animalas and plants.

          To start with both viruses decreases their host performance, When biological viruses enter their hosts cells they replicate then they eventually kill the cells, wheares a computer virus also cause a computer to perform unnecessary tasks which slow down the entire machine.

        Both viruses are relatively far simpler than the host they affect , for instance a computer virus contain as few as six lines of codes as compared to the code base of an operating system which have tens of millions of line codes.

        Both viruses relay on their host. It is because of their host that the viruses increase in nunbers and spread to other hosts. Biological viruses replicates in a host then induce their host to caugh or sneeze and release bodily fluids which spreads the virus, whereby a computer virus uses machines to replicate itself and then send copies to other electronic devices using emails, messages or any other connections.

         Both hide themselves inside the host, making detection difficult. For example biological viruses oftin hide themselves in the white blood cell while inside the host cell, making it hard to trace the virus, Similar computer viruses may look like a simple file indistinguishable from the millions of the other viruses.

         In other ways, a virus is a simple construct which can infiltrate a host, harming the host in the process.

        in conclusion a computer virus share many similarities with their biological counterparts and therefore, aptly named.



  • D







    infection of specific targets (.exe or .com files)

    infection of specific targets (host cells)


    virus and host use same software language

    virus and host use same language (genetic code)


    contain information, have length expressed in b(ytes)

    contain information, have length expressed in b(ases)


    virus has small size relative to host software

    small genome relative to host genome


    spread to other computers

    spread to other hosts


    parasitism: copied by host

    copied by host cell


    initially infected file is functional

    initially infected cell is functional


    user does not immediately notice infection

    host organism does not immediately notice infection


    percentage of computers protected by anti-virus software

    percentage of individuals in population immune to virus (vaccinated or acquired immunity)


    not living according to Ganti definition

    not living according to Ganti definition


  • S
    SIMON SAMWEL 3 years ago

    A biological virus is a microscopic infectious agent. First viruses are note life forms. They are not alive but they posses some.

    Computer virus is a type of computer program that when executed,replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and insert its own code.

      The following are the similarities between computer virus and biological virus;

    Self defense; The biological virus can attack the immune sytem to protect itself. And computer virus can block antivirus software to protect itself.

    Invisible phase; The biological virus replicates inside an organism for a while without symptoms. And computer virus can be programed to cause harm only after a certain ever.

    Both biological viruses and computer viruses are relatively far simpler than the host it infects. The rhinovirus which is the typical culprit for the common cold,has a few thousands base pairs making up its genome where as a human has more than three billions.

    Both types of viruses are nothing without their host. Their hosts are their means to both increase their numbers and spreading to other hosts. Biological viruses replicates in a host then induce the host to cough,sneeze which spread the virus to other victums.

    Both viruses decrease the performance of their hosts. Biological viruses enter the hosts cells,replicate,then eventually kill those cells. Many computers viruses are designed to cause a computer to perform unnecessary tasks which slows down the entire machine.

    Both hide inside of the host, making detection difficult. Biological viruses are well hidden from our white blood cells while inside of a host cell. Similarly,computer viruses may look like a simple file,indistinguishable from the millons of other files around it.

  • E
    EVANS MNAHALENDE 3 years ago

          A computer virus, is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code. 

          Biological virus, is an infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. the following are the similarities between computer virus and biological virus.



    1 They severely attacks the computer system.

    2 Spread from one computer to another.

    3 They increase in numbers through different files.

    4 Parasitism: copied by host.

    5 Can be prevented by the use of anti-vius


    1 They severely attacks the human body.

    2 Spread from one human to another.

    3 They multiplies within a very short span.

    4 Copied by host cell.

    5 Can be prevented by the use of antibiotics.


          Therefore both viruses computers and biological, share the same characteristic of some sort of 'intelligence'. In the case of computer viruses, that intelligence is the reflection of the intelligence of the programmer. In the case of biological viruses, it is less obvious where that pre-supposed intelligence comes from.





  • S
    SAFINA GOLIAMA 3 years ago

    Computer virus is a malicious software program loaded onto a users computer without the users knowledge and performs malicious action.A biological virus is asmall parasite that affects the human body  or any living organism.The following are similarities between computer virus and biological virus.

    Computer virus can block antivirus software to protect itself .Biological virus can attack or compromise the immune system to protect itself.

    Computer virus can change the code in its copies to avoid detection by antivirus software. Biological virus can produce copies with mutations that may become resistant to antibodies and drugs

    Computer virus can be programmed to cause harm only after certain event such as launch of the app or file containing it. Biological virus virus repricates inside an organisimfor a while without any symptoms known as the incubation period.


    Computer virus replicates itself  by copying into other computer programs. Biological virus replicates itself only inside the cells of a living organism usimg their resourses.


  • Y
    YUSTA EMMANUEL MBENA 3 years ago

       A bilogical virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses have either( RNA or DNA )as their genetic material. The nucleic acid may be single- or double-stranded. While computer virus  is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the way a computer operates and is designed to spread from one computer to another. A virus operates by inserting or attaching itself to a legitimate program or document that supports macros in order to execute its code.the compter virus has it type which are Boot Sector Virus , Direct Action Virus , Multipartite Virus , Polymorphic Virus , Resident Virus and  File InfectorVirus. 

         The following are the diferent with the similality of computer virus and bilogical virus .both has the diferent vith image difinition also with the structer.but i will explain with the similality fact.

     A)Striking similarities

       Both biological viruses (living organisms made up of DNA or RNA inside a protein coating) and their cyberspace counterparts (computer programs written by mean-minded computer boffins) parasitise on their host and can only replicate when inside that host.

      Biological viruses enter their host through an opening after passively being breathed in, swallowed or via direct contact. Virtual viruses also enter their 'host' passively when you insert an infected disk or open an infected e-mail attachment. Similarly to a biological virus which has to have the correct host and tissue specificity to gain a foothold - a horse virus wouldn't make a human being sick - a computer virus has to be compatible with the system to gain a foothold.the damage these viruses do, is also similar. Biological viruses replicate at the cost of the host - damage can include pain, suffering and even death. Computer viruses slow down the computer - files can become inaccessible and even lost, and sometimes the complete hard disk gets damaged.

      B)Worms and viruses

    The term 'computer virus' can actually mean one of three things: a virus (a program that implants a version of itself in any program it can modify and then spreads to files within a computer, or with user interaction like sharing infected disks, between computers), a worm (a harmful program that spreads copies between computers in a network, such as the Internet, without user interaction) or a Trojan horse (a program that makes a computer available to non-authorised users).A virus, worm or Trojan horse can (like HIV) be latent, only to become active after a certain period. This is called a 'logic bomb'. These three classes of computer malware can also have hundreds of variants or several slightly modified versions, which parallel microbial diversity.

    C)  Spreading across boundaries

      Some interesting parallels when it comes to the dissemination or spread of viruses. "Because worms spread without any user interaction, they are like socially transmitted diseases such as influenza, that have the potential to infect everyone susceptible. In contrast, computer viruses are like sexually transmitted diseases. Their spread (through sharing infected diskettes) is like that of STDs, whose spread is related to specific behavioural practices. 'Logic bombs' are like HIV, because they are only activated at a later date," she explains.As with biological viruses, simple hygiene measures can protect you against computer viruses. "Just as people would wash hands frequently, avoid exposure to people with colds, or use condoms to protect against infectious diseases, computer users should mistrust (and thus not open) files received through unexpected channels or with unknown extensions or subject lines, request confirmation from the sender before opening attachments, and regularly back up hard disks to reduce the risk of losing data.

     Auto-immune diseases

    When your body's immune system runs out of control and starts damaging itself, this is known as an auto-immune disease. Similarly, computers can also fall prey to such diseases. "Recently, a 'warning' turned out to be a not-so-harmless hoax. The hoax warning stated that certain files were infected by a computer virus. Heeding the warning, unsuspecting computer users removed the affected utility files from their computers' operating system. Fortunately, this time it only turned out to be a mild nuisance, because the computers weren't permanently damaged. But a more malignant hoax could be as devastating to computers as some auto-immune diseases are to humans. Biological viruses also 'steal' virulence genes from other viruses and become more malignant. This also happens in the case of computer 'malware'. "Just a week after the September attack against the United States, a highly dangerous worm called Nimda was released. This combined the most powerful strategies of two other worm programs, and spread more rapidly than any other previous worm. Clicking on the subject line of an infected e-mail (to delete it, for instance) itself activated the worm. But because this worm was so fast moving, so potentially dangerous, people saw it right away and responded, so slowing its spread,This is similar to the biological world, where with outbreaks of haemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola, the immense threat of high contagion and lethality prompts effective measures to rapidly recognise outbreaks and prevent pandemics.

      So the above are rhe similalities of computer virus  and bilogical virus ,those similality explained by fact with Dr Wassenaar  helped us to show the simlalities of both virus types .


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